Brazilian Supreme Court has postponed the trials on the possibility of blocking internet applications and on civil liability

May 19, 2023

Brazilian Supreme Court has postponed the trials on the possibility of blocking internet applications and on civil liability

The Brazilian Supreme Court has postponed the resume date for the two trials that deal with the constitutionality of – and the interpretation given to – relevant provisions of the Brazilian Internet Act (Law #12,965/2014).

The cases under discussion concern the suspension of messaging applications that failed to comply with court orders to provide records and private communications of users (Unconstitutionality lawsuits #5,527 and #403, under the rapporteurship of Justice Rosa Weber and Justice Edson Fachin, respectively) and the Internet Service Providers' civil liability regime for damages arising from content generated by third parties (Topic #987, under the rapporteurship of Justice Dias Toffoli).

The trials were supposed to be resumed on May 17th, 2023, however they were postponed. They are expected to get back on track in June.

Our team will closely monitor the trials, as well as other issues related to internet regulation in Brazil. For more information on this subject, e-mail us at