Licks Attorneys fosters, respects, and supports the principles of transparency and integrity in every action or decision taken by its members, no matter if it is related to an administrative procedure or an interaction with a third-party representative, such as a client or service provider.

In accordance with Licks Attorneys’ Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct, the following channels have been established for reporting misconduct, available to internal or external whistleblower. When filing a report, please take into consideration the need of the following information:

Licks Attorneys' channels for misconduct report may be accessed by:

Alert Line Form

Non-Retaliation Policy: Licks Attorney undertakes to defend the whistleblower in good faith against any retaliation that they may suffer as a result of this report.

Requesting an anonymous report prevent Licks Attorneys from getting in contact at the end of the investigation.

Please describe the facts and names of those involved, including witnesses.

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