Otto Licks, partner, was distinguished in the areas of Intellectual Property and Life Sciences by Chambers Latin America 2019. Otto was mentioned as a "Great litigator" by clients, highlighting his "availability at all times and ability to go all out and provide innovative solutions" adding that "these are the reasons why we instruct him with our most complex cases”. Otto was also quoted by peers as “a knowledgeable and strategic lawyer who represents his clients in a very assertive manner”.
Otto Licks, partner, was distinguished in the areas of Intellectual Property and Life Sciences by Chambers Latin America 2019. Otto was mentioned as a "Great litigator" by clients, highlighting his "availability at all times and ability to go all out and provide innovative solutions" adding that "these are the reasons why we instruct him with our most complex cases”. Otto was also quoted by peers as “a knowledgeable and strategic lawyer who represents his clients in a very assertive manner”.