2024 AIPPI World Congress

Liliane Roriz, retired Appellate Judge and partner at Licks Attorneys, will participate in the 2024 AIPPI World Congress, which will take place between October 19 and 22 in Hangzhou, China. Mrs. Roriz will be a speaker at Panel Session XIII, entitled "It's Not Yet My Time: Patent Term Extensions," on October 22 from 9 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. (GTM). Find out more at: https://www.aippi.org/event/2024-aippi-world-congress-2025-aippi-world-congress/

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2024 AIPPI World Congress

October 22, 2024


October 22, 2024

Liliane Roriz, retired Appellate Judge and partner at Licks Attorneys, will participate in the 2024 AIPPI World Congress, which will take place between October 19 and 22 in Hangzhou, China. Mrs. Roriz will be a speaker at Panel Session XIII, entitled "It's Not Yet My Time: Patent Term Extensions," on October 22 from 9 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. (GTM). Find out more at: https://www.aippi.org/event/2024-aippi-world-congress-2025-aippi-world-congress/