BRPTO Launches the Brazil Innovation and Development Index

August 6, 2024

BRPTO Launches the Brazil Innovation and Development Index

On this 5th of August, 2024, the BRPTO launched the first edition of the Brazil Innovation and Development Index (IBID). This index illustrates the innovation landscape in Brazil, highlighting the performance of local science, technology, and innovation (ST&I) ecosystems. It provides detailed metrics on innovation performance across the five major regions and 27 Brazilian Federation Units, in order to identify national and regional leaders in innovation and rank states and regions based on criteria including innovation process results and influencing factors.

IBID aggregates 74 statistical indicators distributed across seven thematic pillars: institutions, human capital, infrastructure, economy, business, knowledge and technology, and creative economy. The knowledge and technology pillar includes patent applications and technology transfer contracts registered with the BRPTO. The creative economy pillar includes applications for the registration of trademarks, industrial designs, computer programs, and geographical indications.

The index also follows the methodology and classification structure of the Global Innovation Index (GII) from the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO). GII classifies 132 countries and ranks them based on various thematic criteria related to contextual conditions or innovation results. In its latest edition in 2023, Brazil rose five positions in the GII, moving from 57th to 49th in the world ranking. The country also claimed the top spot in the regional ranking for Latin America and the Caribbean and is the 6th among 33 countries with a similar level of economic development.

The development of IBID is part of BRPTO's 2024 Action Plan, one of the initiatives aimed at achieving Strategic Objective 2: “Promoting the culture and strategic use of industrial property for the competitiveness, innovation, and development of Brazil,” as outlined in BRPTO's 2024-2026 Strategic Planning.

To access the full IBID 2024 report, click here.