New Suspension of Deadlines Related to Industrial Designs

September 3, 2024

New Suspension of Deadlines Related to Industrial Designs

On September 3, 2024, the BRPTO issued a Notice in its Official Gazette #2800, informing that problems related to the display of data and documents for industrial designs in the Buscaweb system still persist, preventing the availability of some of these documents. BRPTO estimates that the issue will be resolved by December 27, 2024.

Additionally, the issuance of industrial design certificates granted from BRPTO’s Official Gazette #2758 onward is suspended until the completion of changes in the new process management system, which, according to BRPTO, is expected to be finalized by September 30, 2024.

The inconsistencies in the display of data and documents for industrial design registrations originating from the Hague Agreement, which hinder the availability of certain documents in the Buscaweb system and show outdated information in relation to the International Bulletin, now have a new estimated resolution deadline: September 30, 2024.

The full content of the notice can be acessed in Portuguese here.