The BRPTO Optimizes the Industrial Design Examination Procedure Regarding Powers of Attorney

July 30, 2024

The BRPTO Optimizes the Industrial Design Examination Procedure Regarding Powers of Attorney

The BRPTO announced in its Official Gazette #2795, on July 30, 2024, Ordinance # 29, which amends Ordinance # 7, of January 14, 2022, aiming to optimize the procedure for examining industrial designs.

Starting August 1, 2024, the declaration of veracity of information provided by applicants in the apropriate form will be considered sufficient to comply with the formal requirements regarding powers of attorney.

From this date onward, the BRPTO will no longer analyze the content of powers of attorney that support petitions and applications for industrial design registration, except in cases of i) petitions for transfers, ii) petitions for waiver and withdrawal, and iii) petitions for registration changes. However, applicants must continue to submit powers of attorney in applications and petitions filed by an attorney, in compliance with Articles 216 and 217 of the Brazilian IP Statute.

The full content of the ordinances can be accessed (in Portuguese) at the following links: Ordinance #7/2022 and Ordinance #29/2024.

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