The BRPTO seeks partnerships to optimize the patent database

July 23, 2024

The BRPTO seeks partnerships to optimize the patent database

In a Notice published in BRPTO's Official Gazette # 2794 of July 23, 2024, the Brazilian PTO announced that it is looking for parties that are interested in establishing partnerships, without transfer of resources, to provide services related to data preparation, like outliers treatment and information extraction from patent documents. The goal is to digitize paper files into a database format version, to enable online, searchable access, to the entire content of patent documents. Currently, only the application’s title and abstract are searchable.

DIRPA will periodically provide the interested parties with batches of data from patent applications published by the BRPTO (bibliographic data and images), and the BRPTO, as a result of the partnership, will receive text information on those patent applications in a structured and organized manner.

Interested parties must prove and qualify their experience in projects involving patent databases, demonstrating: 1) knowledge of the particularities of patent documentation; 2) extraction of textual information contained in files in PDF format; and 3) organization of large volumes of information in database format.