The BRPTO will correct data ex officio of industrial design applications to accelerate examination

May 28, 2024

The BRPTO will correct data ex officio of industrial design applications to accelerate examination

On May 27, 2024 the BRPTO issued a Notice stating that the Technical Note # 01/2024 was approved on May 10, 2024 by the Permanent Committee for the Improvement of Procedures and Guidelines for the Examination of Trademarks, Industrial Designs and Geographical Indications (CPAPD). The Technical Note stablishes the ex officio correction of merely formal data in industrial design registration applications, aiming to accelerate decisions. Such errors can be related to numbering of figures, figures subtitles, product classification, description and claims.

Corrections apply only in cases in which the industrial design represented in the figures and other application data allow: i) the unequivocal identification of an error; and ii) the due correction or exclusion of the data, so the industrial design represented in the figures can be adapted to the other application data and to current guidelines.

Topic 5.3 of the Industrial Design Manual was updated to reflect the change. The full text of the Technical Note # 01/2024  can be accessed here.

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