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Maria Eduarda dos Santos

Attorney At Law

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Maria Eduarda dos Santos joined Licks Attorneys’ São Paulo office as a legal intern in 2019 and became an attorney at law in 2024. Her practice focuses on complex disputes in intellectual property, unfair competition, and regulatory law, particularly related to agribusiness technology. Before joining the firm, Ms. Santos gained experience in civil litigation as an intern at the legal aid office of Mackenzie Presbyterian University and at a prominent Brazilian law firm specializing in insurance law.

+ Languages
  • Portuguese
  • English
+ Practice Areas
  • Antitrust Matters
  • Data Protection
  • Food & Drug Law
  • Intellectual Property
  • Litigation
  • Patents
  • Regulatory Law
  • Unfair Competition
  • Life Sciences
+ Representative Cases
+ Professional Highlights
+ Representative Experience
+ Affiliations
  • Brazilian Bar Association – São Paulo Section (OAB/SP).
+ Education
  • Specialization degree in Environmental and Agribusiness Law, Pontifical Catholic University – Paraná (PUC/PR), 2023;
  • Strategic Thinking Winter Program, University at Albany – State University of New York (UALBANY), 2022;
  • LL.B., Mackenzie Presbyterian University of São Paulo (Mackenzie/SP), 2021.
+ Publications
  • “O Protocolo de Nagoia e a sua esperada ratificação pelo Brasil” (Estadão Newspaper, August 07, 2020).
+ Speaking Engagements and Others
+ Articles