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“Starbucks” vs. “Starbuds” Case and the Concern for Intellectual Property Assets

October 3, 2024


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On June 28, 2024, Starbucks Corporation, a company focused on the food sector, particularly coffee-based products, filed a lawsuit in the US District Court for the Southern District of New York against Brandpat, LLC. Brandpat operates in the market as Starbuds Flowers and focuses on cannabis products. This legal action followed unsuccessful attempts at an out-of-court settlement. The central issue of the case involves the infringement of Starbucks Corporation’s trademark and copyright15, 16, 17 e 18, as well as its distinctive signs. among which the following stand out, which are protected in the United States by copyright and trademarks.


D'LINEA and DELINIA case: Leroy Merlin's Trademark Registration Declared Null for Imitating that of a Rio Grande do Sul Company's

September 20, 2024


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In a dispute over the validity of the DELINIA trademark, the 3rd Panel of the Brazilian Superior Court of Justice upheld a lower court's decision, declaring the trademark registration null. The trademark was owned by Groupe Adeo and used to identify Leroy Merlin's line of built-in furniture. Reporting Justice Nancy Andrighi noted in her ruling that the DELINIA trademark, registered in 2010 and used by Leroy Merlin, bore a strong graphic and phonetic resemblance to the earlier D'LINEA trademark, which belongs to the Rio Grande do Sul company D'LINEA INDÚSTRIA E COMÉRCIO DE MÓVEIS LTDA.


“Dungeons and Dragons” vs. “Dungeons and Drag Queens” Case and Parody in Trademark Law

September 9, 2024


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In an ongoing case before the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), Wizards of the Coast LLC, owner of the trademark rights associated with the well-known role-playing game “Dungeons and Dragons,” filed an opposition on August 9, 2024, against the trademark application for “Dungeons and Drag Queens”. The company argues that there is a likelihood of consumer confusion, error, or deception, as well as dilution of the Dungeons and Dragons trademark  and  . Notably, the “Dungeons and Drag Queens” trademark is used to identify a show where drag queens play Dungeons and Dragons,  making this case a compelling example of parody in trademark law.


Via S/A and Magazine Luiza case: use of trademarks in sponsored links

September 5, 2024


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VIA S/A, responsible for the Casas Bahia and Ponto Frio chains, filed a lawsuit against MAGAZINE LUIZA S/A, seeking to refrain from using its registered trademarks “CASAS BAHIA” and “PONTO FRIO” in sponsored links on the GOOGLE ADS tool and compensation for material and moral damages.


The “Língua de Gato” case: trademark or synonym for product?

August 19, 2024


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In recent weeks, the news about the loss of exclusivity of the “Língua de Gato” trademark has caused a great deal of buzz and raised many questions among chocolate lovers. After all, did Kopenhagen lose its rights to the “Língua de Gato” trademark?


“Big Mac” vs. “Supermac's” and the Risk of Abandonment for Trademark Registration Owners

August 12, 2024


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In a case involving the dispute between the trademarks “Big Mac” and “Supermac's” in the European Union, the Irish company Supermac's (Holdings) Ltd. applied in 2017 for the abandonment of registration #626381,  for the trademark “Big Mac”, owned by McDonald's International Property Co. Ltd, on the grounds of non-use.


Copyright – The Case of Nizan Guanaes v. Stalo Produções Artísticas and Universal Music and the Brazilian Superior Court of Justice’s decision in favor of studios

July 8, 2024


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In a decision issued on May 27, 2024, the 4th panel of the Brazilian Superior Court of Justice (STJ) upheld the Rio de Janeiro Court of Appeals’ (TJ/RJ) decision that recognized the validity of the copyright assignment agreement signed between the composer Nizan Guanaes (assignor) and Stalo Produções Artísticas (assignee). The case entails the rights to the song “We Are the World of Carnaval”, which Stalo Produções later transferred to Universal Music.


Suppression of Counterfeiting: The protection of IP in the Soccer Industry and lessons from UEFA Euro 2024

June 26, 2024


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With the start of UEFA Euro 2024, as with other large-scale events, there is a notable increase in economic activity related to the event itself and other associated activities, such as product trading. Likewise, greater attention is needed regarding issues involving the protection and violation of intellectual property rights.


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Licks Attorneys Trademark's Blog provides regular and insightful updates about Trademarks and related matters. The posts are authored by the members of the Trademark Team. Licks Attorneys is a top tier Brazilian law firm, recognized for its success handling large and strategic projects in the country.



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Licks Attorneys' COMPLIANCE Blog

Compliance Investigation

On the afternoon of April 15th, a webinar was held with the topic "Compliance Investigation", led by Alexandre Dalmasso, partner and responsible for the Ethics and Compliance Practice Group. The webinar aims to discuss the best practices and main challenges for successful compliance investigations, unraveling the investigation phases, identifying gaps in the process and how to implement improvements based on the results obtained.

Compliance InvestigationRead Full Article


At the beginning of the millennium, when the so-called 1st compliance wave occurred, a document started to gain evidence: the Code of Conduct.



Some time ago, I came across an unusual situation ... there was a company that allowed its employees to use a taxi as a mean of transportation due to some need related to the company's business. There were no major controls and, oddly enough, a receipt from the taxi was not even required for accountability.


In the fight against corruption, who is who in the world...

Although several governments are striving to combat and mitigate corruption and its consequences, since talking about eradicating corruption is an almost utopian task, it is important to know the world´s players in this fight.

In the fight against corruption, who is who in the world...Read Full Article

Corruption Perceptions Index 2019

Corruption Perceptions Index or simply CPI is an index created by a non-governmental organization named Transparency International (, which, among other purposes, has set out to monitor countries' progress in fighting corruption around the world.

Corruption Perceptions Index 2019Read Full Article

Red Flags

Red flags mean situations that deserve special attention and that must be carefully observed by managers and, mandatorily, by compliance officers and auditors. In short, they are warning signs, which should not and cannot be ignored.

Red FlagsRead Full Article

How to proceed when paying something to a Government official?

This is certainly a question that concerns many managers and even many compliance officers or even those responsible for providing guidance within an organization.

How to proceed when paying something to a Government official?Read Full Article

Critical Points in the process of adapting of LGPD

On the afternoon of February 19th, 2020, a webinar was held with the topic "Critical Points in the LGDP Suitability Process". Speakers of the webinar were: Alexandre Dalmasso, responsible for the Compliance area and lawyer Douglas Leite, our data privacy leader. The speakers used their experience in LGPD compliance projects to draw the audience's attention to the critical success factors in implementing a similar project.

Critical Points in the process of adapting of LGPDRead Full Article

How all start

My name is Alexandre Dalmasso,  I have a law degree specializing in compliance. I started to interact with issues related to ethics and compliance in 2002, but only in 2005 is when I started to work totally dedicated to the topic. In Brazil, the topic called the attention of countless professionals over the past few years with the rampant growth of several training and certification courses, which is a great indicator for a country that has been trying to get rid of the taint of corruption in order to allow the sustained growth of the economy and foster the increase in employment and entrepreneurship opportunities.

How all startRead Full Article