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Repressão às Falsificações: A proteção da propriedade intelectual na Indústria do Futebol e lições da EURO2024

June 26, 2024


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Com o início da EUROCOPA 2024, assim como acontece nos demais eventos de grande escala, é notável o aumento da movimentação econômica com o evento em si e demais atividades relacionadas, tais como o comércio de produtos. Da mesma forma, é necessário aumentar a atenção quanto às questões que envolvem a proteção e violação de direitos de propriedade intelectual.


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O Blog de Contratos do Licks Attorneys fornece atualizações regulares e esclarecedoras sobre Gestão de Contratos. As postagens são de autoria dos membros da Equipe de Gestão de Contratos. O Licks Attorneys é um escritório de advocacia brasileiro renomado, especializado em Propriedade Intelectual e reconhecido por seu sucesso em lidar com grandes e estratégicos cases no país.



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Licks Attorneys' COMPLIANCE Blog

ANVISA Approves the Regulation of Biosimilars

The Brazilian FDA, ANVISA, approved Rule RDC #875 of May 28, 2024, which provided, in an ancillary manner, for the registration of biosimilars through the comparability development route, aiming to guarantee the quality, safety, and efficacy of these products.

ANVISA Approves the Regulation of BiosimilarsRead Full Article

European Council Approves Legislation on Artificial Intelligence

In contrast to Mercosur, which struggles to evolve from an economic bloc to a political and monetary union due to challenges in socio-political integration caused by alternating conservative and progressive governments, the European Union continues to demonstrate efficiency in integrating its member countries. Despite the United Kingdom's departure, the EU remains committed to regulating fundamental issues related to the incorporation of new technologies, which will significantly impact personal, educational, and professional relationships. We are specifically discussing Artificial Intelligence (AI).

European Council Approves Legislation on Artificial IntelligenceRead Full Article

ANPD Approves Regulation on Security Incident Reporting

The Brazilian Data Protection Authority (ANPD), a public entity created by the General Data Protection Act (LGPD), responsible for regulating, supervising, guiding, educating, and acting on security incidents involving personal data, as well as for cooperating with other similar international entities, published CD/ANPD’s Rule #15, dated April 24, 2024, in the Federal Register on April 26, 2024. Taking advantage of the last public consultation on the topic, the Rule approved the Regulation on Security Incident Reporting.

ANPD Approves Regulation on Security Incident ReportingRead Full Article

India’s Anti-Corruption Act

While Brazil adopted its Anti-Corruption Act aimed at companies only on August 1, 2013, with Law #12,846, India adopted an Anti-Corruption Act known as “The Prevention of Corruption Act” on September 9, 1988, which typifies and penalizes bribery offenses involving both individuals (natural persons) and companies (legal entities). Now, let’s delve into the main points of this act below.

India’s Anti-Corruption ActRead Full Article

The Balancing Test in Personal Data Protection

There are numerous situations in a business that result in a company having to deal with personal data, and obtaining the data subject's consent is not always possible or even viable. Bearing this in mind the legislator made 9 other legal bases available in the Brazilian General Data Protection Act (LGPD) so that companies, controllers or operators of such personal data can use them to classify the processing of the respective data.

The Balancing Test in Personal Data ProtectionRead Full Article

The Importance and Use of the Limitation of Liability Clause

Initially, it is important to highlight that a company's ability to carry out an economic operation is intrinsically linked to the analysis of several stages, with risk assessment being one of its crucial factors. After the decision to proceed with the operation, a new phase emerges: the negotiation of contractual terms. It is clear that consideration of costs, including possible compensation, is a key element in decision-making in order to avoid compromising the operations.

The Importance and Use of the Limitation of Liability ClauseRead Full Article

The Legitimate Interest in the Processing of Personal Data

Since the creation of the Brazilian General Data Protection Act (LGPD) on August 14, 2018, the comparison with the European GDPR was inevitable, after all, the Brazilian LGPD was greatly influenced by the similar law published just over two years earlier in Europe. While the LGPD had ten legal bases to support the processing of personal data, the GDPR had only six legal bases.

The Legitimate Interest in the Processing of Personal DataRead Full Article

CGU's Lilac Guide to Combating Moral Harassment, Sexual Harassment, and Discrimination in the Public Service

The ongoing battle waged by companies and governments to address moral harassment, sexual harassment, and discrimination among employees, whether in the private or public sector, is nothing new. A poignant illustration of this perpetual struggle was the resignation of the president of the Brazilian Savings Bank (Caixa Econômica Federal – CEF) on June 29, 2022, following allegations of sexual harassment made by CEF employees.

CGU's Lilac Guide to Combating Moral Harassment, Sexual Harassment, and Discrimination in the Public ServiceRead Full Article

The Unpredictability and the Excessive Burden Theories

An extremely important aspect in contract management is the unpredictability theory. This theory can greatly impact the rights and obligations of one of the parties, completely unbalancing the rights and obligations between them and even making the contract unfair to the detriment of one of the parties.

The Unpredictability and the Excessive Burden TheoriesRead Full Article

Results from the US Securities & Exchange Commission Inspection in 2023

Many people wonder why the US Securities & Exchange Commission (SEC) has been so successful, which has anequivalent agency in Brazil. The reason for its effectiveness is not hard to understand: the agency does not hesitate to investigate and impose penalties to curb irregularities that impact the day-to-day operations of the US stock market, including instances of corruption.

Results from the US Securities & Exchange Commission Inspection in 2023Read Full Article

When Supporting Gender Equality Conflicts with Privacy Rights

At a time in history when the topics of diversity and inclusion are more and more relevant, a federal law enacted in 2023 is causing great controversy, even forcing a rush to the courts to ensure its compliance.

When Supporting Gender Equality Conflicts with Privacy RightsRead Full Article

The Fight Against Corruption in Singapore

Corruption poses anever-present concern for democracies on every continent. It is no different inAsia, especially in Singapore, which alongside New Zealand and Scandinaviancountries stand out as examples of best practices in infrastructure and legal frameworkemployed to combat corruption.

The Fight Against Corruption in SingaporeRead Full Article

Medication Leaflets of Generic and Patented Medicines

The use of medication is undeniably crucial for extending our lives with the highest possible quality, aligning with advancements in science. As a result, medication leaflets are familiar to everyone, whether or not they are involved in the pharmaceutical sector. However, the same level of familiarity does not extend to the concepts of generic medicines and patented drugs.

Medication Leaflets of Generic and Patented MedicinesRead Full Article

Petrobras at the Top of Brazilian Patent Applicants

According to a publication on the website of the newspaper A Gazeta, the Brazilian Patent and Trademark Office (BRPTO) has disclosed that, in 2023, 25,367 utility patents were filed in Brazil. This data was divided as follows:

Petrobras at the Top of Brazilian Patent ApplicantsRead Full Article

The Corruption Perceptions Index in 2023

Transparency International, headquartered in Berlin, it is a non-profit organization focused on anti-corruption operating internationally. Its purpose is to combat corruption and associated criminal activities.

The Corruption Perceptions Index in 2023Read Full Article