The BRPTO Authorizes the Appointment of New Employees

July 9, 2024

The BRPTO Authorizes the Appointment of New Employees

On July 9, 2024, the Ministry of Management and Innovation in Public Services published Ordinance #4,860 in the Federal Register, authorizing the appointment of 120 civil servants who passed the last BRPTO public recruitment. Among the positions, 40 are for Researchers in Industrial Property, who serve as patent application examiners. Another 40 positions are for Technologists in Industrial Property, occupied by trademark examiners. The remaining 40 positions are for Planning, Management, and Infrastructure Analysts in Industrial Property, who perform administrative functions at the Office. The civil servants are expected to assume their positions at the BRPTO later this year.

Under the current administration, the BRPTO issued 17,539 fewer patent application decisions compared to the same period under the previous administration1, a reduction of 39%. The pendency time for decisions, counted from the examination request, remains high: up to 3 years for applications in the fields of biotechnology (DIALP) and telecommunications (DITEL) and 3 years and 3 months for biopharmaceutical (DIMOL) applications2.

1Considering the period from January 2023 to June 2024 compared to the period from July 2022 to December 2023.

2Source: Licks Attorneys’ “Patent applications pendency time from the examination request until decision” panel, prepared based on data published by the BRPTO in the Official Gazette. Available at: