BRPTO confirms partnership to facilitate patent application and grant

May 28, 2019

The Brazilian Patent and Trademark Office (BRPTO) signed on May 24th a protocol of intentions with the Aeronautical Engineering Institute (ITA), and a cooperation agreement with the Research Foundation of São Paulo (FAPESP).

The announcement was made in parallel of the event “Engineering Education for the Future” (EEF) organized in São José dos Campos (São Paulo State).

Cláudio Vilar Furtado, BRPTO’s President, indeed affirmed that a closer relation with ITA and FAPESP has been a priority of the institute. Today, the BRPTO has partnerships with 13 universities in the country.  

The objective of the partnership with ITA is to promote and expand the use of the intellectual property (IP) system by ITA, as it includes the training of human capital in IP, the exchange of personnel and development of joint knowledge. It thus provides students and researchers more information on the patent application and grant.

The agreement with FAPESP will make technical information available, and link efforts, competencies and technical knowledge for the development of projects, studies and research in the IP domain.

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BRPTO confirms partnership to facilitate patent application and grant

The Brazilian Patent and Trademark Office (BRPTO) signed on May 24th a protocol of intentions with the Aeronautical Engineering Institute (ITA), and a cooperation agreement with the Research Foundation of São Paulo (FAPESP).

The announcement was made in parallel of the event “Engineering Education for the Future” (EEF) organized in São José dos Campos (São Paulo State).

Cláudio Vilar Furtado, BRPTO’s President, indeed affirmed that a closer relation with ITA and FAPESP has been a priority of the institute. Today, the BRPTO has partnerships with 13 universities in the country.  

The objective of the partnership with ITA is to promote and expand the use of the intellectual property (IP) system by ITA, as it includes the training of human capital in IP, the exchange of personnel and development of joint knowledge. It thus provides students and researchers more information on the patent application and grant.

The agreement with FAPESP will make technical information available, and link efforts, competencies and technical knowledge for the development of projects, studies and research in the IP domain.