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O Negócio Jurídico no Brasil

August 1, 2024


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O negócio jurídico é uma espécie de ato jurídico que nasce da manifestação de vontade de uma pessoa, visando produzir efeitos na esfera jurídica de outra. Por conseguinte, surge uma relação jurídica entre as partes, respeitando os requisitos estabelecidos pela lei para a sua validade e fatores de eficácia que impactarão a sua produção de efeitos.


Novas Regras Sobre Correção Monetária e Juros

July 18, 2024


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Quando falamos em correção monetária e juros, é porque estamos lidando com o fantasma da inflação. Sem inflação, não precisaríamos corrigir monetariamente valores e nem aplicar taxas de juros extorsivas como as que ainda são praticadas no Brasil, principalmente quando comparadas a outros países nos quais a inflação possui um histórico de controle a longo prazo. É bem verdade que o Brasil possui distorções inimagináveis em outros países, como os juros praticados pelos operadores de cartões de crédito, que encontram aqui um oásis para impor taxas que seriam consideradas ilícitas em outros lugares.


A Importância e o Uso da Cláusula de Limitação de Responsabilidade

April 19, 2024


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Inicialmente, é importante ressaltar que a capacidade de uma empresa realizar uma operação econômica está intrinsecamente ligada à análise de diversas etapas, sendo a avaliação dos riscos um dos fatores cruciais. Após a decisão de prosseguir com a operação, surge uma nova fase: a negociação dos termos contratuais. É evidente que a consideração dos custos, incluindo possíveis indenizações, é um elemento chave na tomada de decisões, a fim de evitar o comprometimento das operações.


A Teoria da Imprevisão e a Teoria da Onerosidade Excessiva

April 1, 2024


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Um aspecto de suma importância na gestão de contratos é a teoria da imprevisão. Essa teoria pode impactar sobremaneira os direitos e obrigações de uma das partes, desequilibrando completamente os direitos e obrigações entre elas e até mesmo tornando o contrato leonino em detrimento de uma das partes.


Principais Requisitos de um Contrato de Confidencialidade

March 15, 2024


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Um contrato de confidencialidade é um acordo bilateral de vontades entre duas ou mais partes que tenham a intenção de compartilhar informações confidenciais ou entre si ou apenas de uma parte à outra. Dessa forma, garantem que essas informações permaneçam apenas de conhecimento das mesmas ou daqueles terceiros previamente autorizados pela parte que divulga a informação.


A eficácia da cláusula anticorrupção em contratos internacionais

February 27, 2024


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Atuar em acordos comerciais pode ser um desafio quando pensamos em assegurar a conformidade das relações com as melhores práticas anticorrupção. Quando consideramos a pluralidade de legislações sobre o tema em âmbito global, devemos ter em mente que elas possuem obrigações em níveis diferentes de austeridade e até mesmo definições de quem pode ser enquadrado ou o que seria um ato de corrupção.


Cláusulas de Rescisão Contratual: Quando e Como Utilizá-las

February 23, 2024


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O mundo dos negócios é altamente dinâmico, de modo que mesmo, após a celebração de um instrumento contratual que reflita as vontades das partes, diversos fatores podem interferir na relação comercial inicialmente acordada.


Quando contratos master de serviços ou de fornecimento de bens devem ser utilizados

January 30, 2024


Uma dúvida muito comum a muitas pessoas, incluindo alguns profissionais do ramo do direito, é quando se deve utilizar um contrato master de serviços, ao invés de um contrato de prestação de serviços. Além disso, indaga-se quais seriam as principais diferenças entre um contrato master de serviços e um contrato de prestação de serviços. Esse é o propósito desse artigo, no sentido de esclarecer essas e outras dúvidas, a fim de que os referidos tipos de contratos sejam corretamente utilizados.


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O Blog de Contratos do Licks Attorneys fornece atualizações regulares e esclarecedoras sobre Gestão de Contratos. As postagens são de autoria dos membros da Equipe de Gestão de Contratos. O Licks Attorneys é um escritório de advocacia brasileiro renomado, especializado em Propriedade Intelectual e reconhecido por seu sucesso em lidar com grandes e estratégicos cases no país.



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Licks Attorneys' COMPLIANCE Blog

Do you know what the No Surprises Act is? Understanding its importance

The No Surprises Act is a prime example of legislation in a country where the legal system is based more on case law than statutes. While Brazil’s legal system originates from Civil Law, the United States follows Common Law. However, U.S. laws are often very well-drafted, especially in terms of their applicability. In this context, it is important to consider the role of the judiciary, which operates under the punitive principle, unlike Brazil's compensatory system, which is less effective.

Do you know what the No Surprises Act is? Understanding its importanceRead Full Article

SEC Combats Corporate Retaliation Against Whistleblowers

Since the Dodd-Frank Act was enacted in the United States in 2010, the role of whistleblowers has proven crucial in helping authorities prevent fraud, bribery, and other legal violations. This is because the government lacks the personnel and resources to efficiently monitor the market on its own.

SEC Combats Corporate Retaliation Against WhistleblowersRead Full Article

The Brazilian Medical Association Intervenes in the Relationship between Physicians and the Pharmaceutical and Medical Products Industry

A significant concern in the healthcare sector is the potential conflict of interest between the pharmaceutical and medical products industry and healthcare professionals, particularly physicians. This potential conflict arises from the unique nature of the relationship: while the industry’s end customer is the patient, it is the physician who decides which product the patient will use. At the same time, patients pay physicians to prescribe the best treatment for their well-being.

The Brazilian Medical Association Intervenes in the Relationship between Physicians and the Pharmaceutical and Medical Products IndustryRead Full Article

A Decision by the Brazilian Superior Court of Justice Sets Precedent in the Advertising of Medicines

The First Panel of the Brazilian Superior Court of Justice unanimously decided, under the report of Justice Regina Helena Costa, in the appellate decision on Special Appeal #2035645/DF, that Anvisa (the Brazilian FDA) does not have the regulatory authority to restrict the commercial advertising of pharmaceuticals by companies. This applies especially when its regulatory actions contradict the provisions established in Law #9,294/1996 and other legislative acts.

A Decision by the Brazilian Superior Court of Justice Sets Precedent in the Advertising of MedicinesRead Full Article

The "Emprega + Mulheres" Program and the Impact on Employment Relationships

It is well-known that certain market sectors impose additional barriers when hiring women. This is often due to concerns that, during pregnancy, employees may need to take time off for childbirth, utilizing maternity leave. Complications during pregnancy can also arise, potentially weakening the workforce and prompting companies to hire temporary workers to cover the absence.

The "Emprega + Mulheres" Program and the Impact on Employment RelationshipsRead Full Article

The “Língua de Gato” case: trademark or synonym for product?

In recent weeks, the news about the loss of exclusivity of the “Língua de Gato” trademark has caused a great deal of buzz and raised many questions among chocolate lovers. After all, did Kopenhagen lose its rights to the “Língua de Gato” trademark?

The “Língua de Gato” case: trademark or synonym for product?Read Full Article

Deadlines and Deliveries — Logistical Challenges in Pharmaceutical Industry Contracts

In the pharmaceutical industry, strict compliance with delivery deadlines is essential. In commercial contracts between pharmaceutical companies and their suppliers, clarity and precision in stipulating delivery deadlines, as well as defining the consequences for non-compliance with these deadlines, are crucial to avoid disputes and ensure continuous supply to the market. Delays in the delivery of essential inputs can cause serious impacts, such as interruptions in medicaments production, compromises of research projects and even risks to public health. In this context, logistics plays a critical role that is amplified by the need for transportation and storage products under specific temperature and humidity conditions, in addition to complying with the regulatory standards of each country. The contracts signed between the parties must reflect this importance, establishing clauses that address the specific challenges of this area.

Deadlines and Deliveries — Logistical Challenges in Pharmaceutical Industry ContractsRead Full Article

Updated Mapping of Personal Data Protection Around the World

There is a growing global concern regarding the protection of personal data for individuals, given the rapid technological advances that geographically universalize information and could have considerable impacts on citizens' lives. Brazil, following the global trend, enacted its General Data Protection Act (LGPD) in August 2018, which came into force in September 2020, except for its penalties, which only came into force in August 2021.

Updated Mapping of Personal Data Protection Around the WorldRead Full Article

“Big Mac” vs. “Supermac's” and the Risk of Abandonment for Trademark Registration Owners

In a case involving the dispute between the trademarks “Big Mac” and “Supermac's” in the European Union, the Irish company Supermac's (Holdings) Ltd. applied in 2017 for the abandonment of registration #626381,  for the trademark “Big Mac”, owned by McDonald's International Property Co. Ltd, on the grounds of non-use.

“Big Mac” vs. “Supermac's” and the Risk of Abandonment for Trademark Registration OwnersRead Full Article

The Activities and Duties of the Data Protection Officer (DPO) are Finally Regulated

The National Data Protection Authority (ANPD) published Resolution CD/ANPD #18/2024, dated July 16, 2024, which sought to fill an important gap in detailing the activities of the Data Protection Officer and the responsibilities of data processing agents that support their activities.

The Activities and Duties of the Data Protection Officer (DPO) are Finally RegulatedRead Full Article

Legal Business in Brazil

The legal business is a kind of legal act that arises from the manifestation of a person's will, aiming to produce effects in the legal sphere of another. Therefore, a legal relationship arises between the parties, respecting the requirements established by law for its validity and effectiveness factors that will impact its production of effects.

Legal Business in BrazilRead Full Article

New Regulatory Framework for Clinical Research in Brazil

Law #14.874 was enacted on May 28, 2024, providing guidelines for research involving human subjects and establishing the National System of Ethics in research involving human subjects. This statutory framework is of utmost importance as it defines the rights of volunteers and outlines the responsibilities for researchers and sponsors of clinical research.

New Regulatory Framework for Clinical Research in BrazilRead Full Article

ANVISA Approves the Regulation of Biosimilars

The Brazilian FDA, ANVISA, approved Rule RDC #875 of May 28, 2024, which provided, in an ancillary manner, for the registration of biosimilars through the comparability development route, aiming to guarantee the quality, safety, and efficacy of these products.

ANVISA Approves the Regulation of BiosimilarsRead Full Article

European Council Approves Legislation on Artificial Intelligence

In contrast to Mercosur, which struggles to evolve from an economic bloc to a political and monetary union due to challenges in socio-political integration caused by alternating conservative and progressive governments, the European Union continues to demonstrate efficiency in integrating its member countries. Despite the United Kingdom's departure, the EU remains committed to regulating fundamental issues related to the incorporation of new technologies, which will significantly impact personal, educational, and professional relationships. We are specifically discussing Artificial Intelligence (AI).

European Council Approves Legislation on Artificial IntelligenceRead Full Article

ANPD Approves Regulation on Security Incident Reporting

The Brazilian Data Protection Authority (ANPD), a public entity created by the General Data Protection Act (LGPD), responsible for regulating, supervising, guiding, educating, and acting on security incidents involving personal data, as well as for cooperating with other similar international entities, published CD/ANPD’s Rule #15, dated April 24, 2024, in the Federal Register on April 26, 2024. Taking advantage of the last public consultation on the topic, the Rule approved the Regulation on Security Incident Reporting.

ANPD Approves Regulation on Security Incident ReportingRead Full Article