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O Negócio Jurídico no Brasil

August 1, 2024


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O negócio jurídico é uma espécie de ato jurídico que nasce da manifestação de vontade de uma pessoa, visando produzir efeitos na esfera jurídica de outra. Por conseguinte, surge uma relação jurídica entre as partes, respeitando os requisitos estabelecidos pela lei para a sua validade e fatores de eficácia que impactarão a sua produção de efeitos.


Novas Regras Sobre Correção Monetária e Juros

July 18, 2024


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Quando falamos em correção monetária e juros, é porque estamos lidando com o fantasma da inflação. Sem inflação, não precisaríamos corrigir monetariamente valores e nem aplicar taxas de juros extorsivas como as que ainda são praticadas no Brasil, principalmente quando comparadas a outros países nos quais a inflação possui um histórico de controle a longo prazo. É bem verdade que o Brasil possui distorções inimagináveis em outros países, como os juros praticados pelos operadores de cartões de crédito, que encontram aqui um oásis para impor taxas que seriam consideradas ilícitas em outros lugares.


A Importância e o Uso da Cláusula de Limitação de Responsabilidade

April 19, 2024


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Inicialmente, é importante ressaltar que a capacidade de uma empresa realizar uma operação econômica está intrinsecamente ligada à análise de diversas etapas, sendo a avaliação dos riscos um dos fatores cruciais. Após a decisão de prosseguir com a operação, surge uma nova fase: a negociação dos termos contratuais. É evidente que a consideração dos custos, incluindo possíveis indenizações, é um elemento chave na tomada de decisões, a fim de evitar o comprometimento das operações.


A Teoria da Imprevisão e a Teoria da Onerosidade Excessiva

April 1, 2024


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Um aspecto de suma importância na gestão de contratos é a teoria da imprevisão. Essa teoria pode impactar sobremaneira os direitos e obrigações de uma das partes, desequilibrando completamente os direitos e obrigações entre elas e até mesmo tornando o contrato leonino em detrimento de uma das partes.


Principais Requisitos de um Contrato de Confidencialidade

March 15, 2024


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Um contrato de confidencialidade é um acordo bilateral de vontades entre duas ou mais partes que tenham a intenção de compartilhar informações confidenciais ou entre si ou apenas de uma parte à outra. Dessa forma, garantem que essas informações permaneçam apenas de conhecimento das mesmas ou daqueles terceiros previamente autorizados pela parte que divulga a informação.


A eficácia da cláusula anticorrupção em contratos internacionais

February 27, 2024


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Atuar em acordos comerciais pode ser um desafio quando pensamos em assegurar a conformidade das relações com as melhores práticas anticorrupção. Quando consideramos a pluralidade de legislações sobre o tema em âmbito global, devemos ter em mente que elas possuem obrigações em níveis diferentes de austeridade e até mesmo definições de quem pode ser enquadrado ou o que seria um ato de corrupção.


Cláusulas de Rescisão Contratual: Quando e Como Utilizá-las

February 23, 2024


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O mundo dos negócios é altamente dinâmico, de modo que mesmo, após a celebração de um instrumento contratual que reflita as vontades das partes, diversos fatores podem interferir na relação comercial inicialmente acordada.


Quando contratos master de serviços ou de fornecimento de bens devem ser utilizados

January 30, 2024


Uma dúvida muito comum a muitas pessoas, incluindo alguns profissionais do ramo do direito, é quando se deve utilizar um contrato master de serviços, ao invés de um contrato de prestação de serviços. Além disso, indaga-se quais seriam as principais diferenças entre um contrato master de serviços e um contrato de prestação de serviços. Esse é o propósito desse artigo, no sentido de esclarecer essas e outras dúvidas, a fim de que os referidos tipos de contratos sejam corretamente utilizados.


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O Blog de Contratos do Licks Attorneys fornece atualizações regulares e esclarecedoras sobre Gestão de Contratos. As postagens são de autoria dos membros da Equipe de Gestão de Contratos. O Licks Attorneys é um escritório de advocacia brasileiro renomado, especializado em Propriedade Intelectual e reconhecido por seu sucesso em lidar com grandes e estratégicos cases no país.



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Licks Attorneys' COMPLIANCE Blog

When Corruption Turns the Tables!

The past few years have been tumultuous, particularly for Brazilians, in the battle against corruption. Controversial judicial decisions, sparking significant debate, diminished the effectiveness of Operation Car Wash (“Lava Jato”), a landmark anti-corruption probe, in Brazil. The once unassailable figures in the fight against corruption found themselves vilified in a country prone to casting shadows on those in the spotlight.

When Corruption Turns the Tables!Read Full Article

The Integrity Management Units, and the Brazilian Office of the Comptroller General’s Public Integrity Panel

On November 22, 2017, Decree #9,203 was drafted by the president at the time, Michel Temer, dealing with the governance policy of the Federal Government, its agencies, and foundations.

The Integrity Management Units, and the Brazilian Office of the Comptroller General’s Public Integrity PanelRead Full Article

The French Anti-Corruption Act (Sapin II): A Perspective After 7 Years in Force

The French anti-corruption act called Sapin II, number #1691/2016, is celebrating its anniversary this December 9th, after seven years of existence.

The French Anti-Corruption Act (Sapin II): A Perspective After 7 Years in ForceRead Full Article

Decisions by the Irish Data Protection Authority are undermined

The Data Protection Commission (DPC) of Ireland has been the focus of attention among data protection commissions in other European nations due to the fines they have imposed on technology giants. Despite this, the outcome of the cases leaves much to be desired.

Decisions by the Irish Data Protection Authority are underminedRead Full Article

FDA innovates with new guide for drug approval in the United States

The American agency Food and Drug Administration (FDA) innovated once again by creating a new guide on real-world evidence (RWE) and real-world data (RWD) to support drug approval.

FDA innovates with new guide for drug approval in the United StatesRead Full Article

Artificial intelligence and its regulation in Brazil

On March 29, 2023, “The New York Times” published an article regarding an open letter signed by more than a thousand leaders in the technology sector, including Elon Musk, president of Tesla, Space X, and X (formerly Twitter). The letter requested a stop in the development of artificial intelligence above GPT-4, developed by OpenAI, considering the potential risk of threatening the very existence of society as we know it and even humanity.

Artificial intelligence and its regulation in BrazilRead Full Article

The Fight Against Fake News Around the World

The advancement of technology is overwhelming and inevitable. However, while it revolutionizes communication on a global scale, enabling easy access to information and taking progress to previously inaccessible places, it can have the opposite effect, with a hidden purpose perpetrated by those who maliciously convert a lie into a truth. In fact, as Joseph Goebbels, minister of Nazi propaganda, said, “a lie told a thousand times becomes the truth”.

The Fight Against Fake News Around the WorldRead Full Article

Everything you need to know about ISO

Although the headquarters of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) is located in Geneva, Switzerland, few people are aware that the organization was founded after a meeting that took place in London, England, in 1946, shortly after the end of the Second World War. At said meeting, 65 representatives from 25 countries sought to discuss the future of international standardization in several areas.

Everything you need to know about ISORead Full Article

How to Implement ERM

ERM, short for enterprise risk management, plays a fundamental role in identifying, preventing, and managing potential risks that may impact business and influence a company's results, ensuring its long-term viability.

How to Implement ERMRead Full Article

More Sanctions Applied By The Brazilian Data Protection Authority signal that Violations of the LGPD Will Not Be Tolerated

The Brazilian Data Protection Authority (ANPD) published on October 18, 2023 their third sanction for violation of the General Data Protection Act (LGPD). Similarly to the second penalty, the infraction occurred in the public sector, not involving a private company.

More Sanctions Applied By The Brazilian Data Protection Authority signal that Violations of the LGPD Will Not Be ToleratedRead Full Article

Brazilian Data Protection Authority Applies Second Penalty for Violation of the Data Protection Act

After a phase where the Brazilian Data Protection Authority (ANPD) focused on regulating important provisions outlined in the General Data Protection Act (LGPD), in addition to editing several manuals and guidelines to assist the public in complying with the law, the ANPD has imposed its first penalty on July 6, 2023, targeting the company Telekall Infoservice.

Brazilian Data Protection Authority Applies Second Penalty for Violation of the Data Protection ActRead Full Article

Antitrust and anti-corruption authorities are already monitoring the 2026 World Cup

Considering the financial scandals fueled by acts of corruption involving the most recent World Cup, which led to the arrest of leaders from several countries, North American antitrust and anti-corruption authorities turned their attention to the 2026 World Cup, which will take place in three countries: United States, Canada, and Mexico. Among the arrests made, one that stood out was that of José Maria Marín, former president of the Brazilian Football Confederation (CBF) between 2012 and 2015 who was also governor of the State of São Paulo between 1982 and 1983, after the death of governor Franco Montoro.

Antitrust and anti-corruption authorities are already monitoring the 2026 World CupRead Full Article

Retaliation against non-disclosure agreements in the USA

Non-disclosure agreements are used by many companies with the purpose of guaranteeing or, at least, trying to hinder the disclosure of their confidential information by employees or former employees. Some companies require the signing of NDAs alongside the employment contract, while others require the signing of these documents upon termination of the employment contract, occasionally offering a bonus and demanding silence in exchange. If the employee violates the agreement, he or she may be forced to return the amount paid, often with interest and/or fines added.

Retaliation against non-disclosure agreements in the USARead Full Article

SASE and what it can do for information security!

To talk about information security or cybersecurity is definitely not the easiest of tasks, as developments in this area seem to be happening at a speed that is difficult to keep up with. The cat-and-mouse race between hackers and information security experts is incessant and at a breathtaking pace. Something that appears to be novel today may already be outdated, because in another corner of the world a more efficient solution may have already been discovered or a flaw in the current solution may have been identified that makes it vulnerable.

SASE and what it can do for information security!Read Full Article

All there is to know about the Brazilian Freedom of Information ACT

To ensure greater transparency on public accounts and public services in general, especially after initiatives such as the Transparency Portal, Law 12,527 of November 18, 2011, the Brazilian Freedom of Information Act, was sanctioned. This Act aims to provide access to even the greater public to information regarding Public Administration, regulating Article 5, Item XXXIII, Article 37, Paragraph  3, II and Article 216, Paragraph 2, from Brazilian Constitution of 1988.

All there is to know about the Brazilian Freedom of Information ACTRead Full Article