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O Negócio Jurídico no Brasil

August 1, 2024


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O negócio jurídico é uma espécie de ato jurídico que nasce da manifestação de vontade de uma pessoa, visando produzir efeitos na esfera jurídica de outra. Por conseguinte, surge uma relação jurídica entre as partes, respeitando os requisitos estabelecidos pela lei para a sua validade e fatores de eficácia que impactarão a sua produção de efeitos.


Novas Regras Sobre Correção Monetária e Juros

July 18, 2024


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Quando falamos em correção monetária e juros, é porque estamos lidando com o fantasma da inflação. Sem inflação, não precisaríamos corrigir monetariamente valores e nem aplicar taxas de juros extorsivas como as que ainda são praticadas no Brasil, principalmente quando comparadas a outros países nos quais a inflação possui um histórico de controle a longo prazo. É bem verdade que o Brasil possui distorções inimagináveis em outros países, como os juros praticados pelos operadores de cartões de crédito, que encontram aqui um oásis para impor taxas que seriam consideradas ilícitas em outros lugares.


A Importância e o Uso da Cláusula de Limitação de Responsabilidade

April 19, 2024


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Inicialmente, é importante ressaltar que a capacidade de uma empresa realizar uma operação econômica está intrinsecamente ligada à análise de diversas etapas, sendo a avaliação dos riscos um dos fatores cruciais. Após a decisão de prosseguir com a operação, surge uma nova fase: a negociação dos termos contratuais. É evidente que a consideração dos custos, incluindo possíveis indenizações, é um elemento chave na tomada de decisões, a fim de evitar o comprometimento das operações.


A Teoria da Imprevisão e a Teoria da Onerosidade Excessiva

April 1, 2024


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Um aspecto de suma importância na gestão de contratos é a teoria da imprevisão. Essa teoria pode impactar sobremaneira os direitos e obrigações de uma das partes, desequilibrando completamente os direitos e obrigações entre elas e até mesmo tornando o contrato leonino em detrimento de uma das partes.


Principais Requisitos de um Contrato de Confidencialidade

March 15, 2024


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Um contrato de confidencialidade é um acordo bilateral de vontades entre duas ou mais partes que tenham a intenção de compartilhar informações confidenciais ou entre si ou apenas de uma parte à outra. Dessa forma, garantem que essas informações permaneçam apenas de conhecimento das mesmas ou daqueles terceiros previamente autorizados pela parte que divulga a informação.


A eficácia da cláusula anticorrupção em contratos internacionais

February 27, 2024


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Atuar em acordos comerciais pode ser um desafio quando pensamos em assegurar a conformidade das relações com as melhores práticas anticorrupção. Quando consideramos a pluralidade de legislações sobre o tema em âmbito global, devemos ter em mente que elas possuem obrigações em níveis diferentes de austeridade e até mesmo definições de quem pode ser enquadrado ou o que seria um ato de corrupção.


Cláusulas de Rescisão Contratual: Quando e Como Utilizá-las

February 23, 2024


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O mundo dos negócios é altamente dinâmico, de modo que mesmo, após a celebração de um instrumento contratual que reflita as vontades das partes, diversos fatores podem interferir na relação comercial inicialmente acordada.


Quando contratos master de serviços ou de fornecimento de bens devem ser utilizados

January 30, 2024


Uma dúvida muito comum a muitas pessoas, incluindo alguns profissionais do ramo do direito, é quando se deve utilizar um contrato master de serviços, ao invés de um contrato de prestação de serviços. Além disso, indaga-se quais seriam as principais diferenças entre um contrato master de serviços e um contrato de prestação de serviços. Esse é o propósito desse artigo, no sentido de esclarecer essas e outras dúvidas, a fim de que os referidos tipos de contratos sejam corretamente utilizados.


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O Blog de Contratos do Licks Attorneys fornece atualizações regulares e esclarecedoras sobre Gestão de Contratos. As postagens são de autoria dos membros da Equipe de Gestão de Contratos. O Licks Attorneys é um escritório de advocacia brasileiro renomado, especializado em Propriedade Intelectual e reconhecido por seu sucesso em lidar com grandes e estratégicos cases no país.



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Licks Attorneys' COMPLIANCE Blog

Dark patterns in data protection

In a time where fake news is so prevalent, the topic of dark patterns has gained a lot of relevance. The term was purely academic but, in recent times, has been commonly seen in data protection regulations worldwide.

Dark patterns in data protectionRead Full Article

U.S Department of justice updates its guide to corporate compliance programs

Now under the Biden administration, the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) has published, on March 3, 2023, an update to its guide for evaluating compliance programs. It assists prosecutors in this task, allowing them to identify whether the program is efficient at the time of the offense and whether it is effective at the time of a charging decision or resolution.

U.S Department of justice updates its guide to corporate compliance programsRead Full Article

The EDPB publishes new guidelines for personal data protection

The European Data Protection Board (EDPB) has recently published, after a public inquiry with different segments of European society, three new guidelines related to the protection of personal data.

The EDPB publishes new guidelines for personal data protectionRead Full Article

The sponsorship ethics of pharmaceutical and medical companies for physicians speaking in conferences

This is certainly one of the most controversial topics in recent years with regard to the interaction of the medical profession with the health industry – which encompasses the pharmaceutical industry, medical and hospital products and even cosmetics and food.

The sponsorship ethics of pharmaceutical and medical companies for physicians speaking in conferencesRead Full Article


Administrative Sanctions Regulation on Dosimetry and Application of Administrative Sanctions, which establishes the dosimetry guidelines for sentences, especially calculating the base value for fines the agency may apply. It is an initiative of the rapporteur and director of the ANPD – Arthur Sabbat, in which he was unanimously followed by the rest of the board. Although the criteria set out below establish clear guidelines, the ANPD may depart from its methodology or review the penalty, if impaired proportionality is found between the severity of the violation and the intensity of the sanction.


Prison after conviction in appellate courts

Going to prison in Brazil is any easy task. The Brazilian procedural law, especially in criminal law, creates so many mechanisms for postponing the final and unappealable decisions that anyone having the resources to hire a lawyer or relying on an active public defender can postpone it. As such, many cases end up time-barred, although Brazilian legislation is slowly advancing in making crimes such as femicide or rape imprescriptible.

Prison after conviction in appellate courtsRead Full Article

Transparency International launches the 2022 Corruption Perceptions Index

Transparency International is a non-profit anti-corruption organization headquartered on Berlin that operates internationally. Its purpose is to combat corruption and criminal activities related to corrupt acts.

Transparency International launches the 2022 Corruption Perceptions IndexRead Full Article

ANPD launches new security incident form

In the second half of December 2022, the National Data Protection Authority (ANPD) published an amendment to the Security Incident Reporting form, to be used by all those who need to report security incidents starting January 1, 2023.

ANPD launches new security incident formRead Full Article

Why is the Whistleblower despised in the Fight against Corruption in Brazil?

While some countries are failing in the fight against corruption, Brazil has achieved a real negative milestone in recent years. The country managed to deconstruct the Car Wash Operation , the most powerful symbol of the fight against corruption ever carried out in the country and also  encouraged impunity to public agents who commit acts of administrative impropriety, by sanctioning Statute 14,230 of 03.31.2022. Since then,  public agents can no longer be held responsible for damages caused by recklessness, negligence or malpractice, since only deceit (the intention to do or not to do) characterizes impropriety in the corresponding crimes typified by law. An open door for the "I don't know" people... For those who intend to prove anything, they must manage on their own prove that the agent intentionally did the act...

Why is the Whistleblower despised in the Fight against Corruption in Brazil?Read Full Article

The ANPD Guide on Cookies and Personal Data Protection

Cookies continue to be a source of concern for authorities responsible for data protection in all countries, even more so if one considers the lack of transparency in the collection and use of much of this data. Behold, the National Data Protection Authority (ANPD) issued an orientation guide for dealing with cookies in Brazil, although the General Data Protection Law (LGPD) itself has not displayed specific rules on the subject. Even for that very reason, this ANPD guide comes at a good time to resolve doubts and serve as a basis for guiding everyone on how to deal with the issue in Brazil.

The ANPD Guide on Cookies and Personal Data ProtectionRead Full Article

USA passes Anti-Money Laundering Whistleblower Improvement Act

In Brazil the concept of the whistleblower continues to be ignored –  as having been incorporated into our legal system by former Minister Sérgio Moro's anti-crime package, approved by the National Congress underStatute 13,964 of December 24, 2019 (which utilizes the definition of informant rather than the North American definition of whistleblower) – along with the benefits that its employment could bring to the country, especially in the fight against corruption. While the United States, at the end of 2022, have just passed the Anti-Money Laundering Whistleblower Improvement Act, making significant progress in the battle against money laundering.

USA passes Anti-Money Laundering Whistleblower Improvement Act Read Full Article

The Impeachment of Authorities in Brazil explained

According to the Brazilian Constitution of 1988, the Legislative, Executive and the Judiciary Branches are balanced among themselves.

The Impeachment of Authorities in Brazil explainedRead Full Article

Brazilian Antitrust Law has been refined

Although Brazilian antitrust rules follow the example of US antitrust law, the pioneers in the subject were not them, but their Canadian neighbors, since the first known antitrust law was published in 1889, in Canada. By the way, this was the year in which Brazil ceased to be an empire, when the Republic was proclaimed on November 15, 1889, by Marshal Deodoro da Fonseca.

Brazilian Antitrust Law has been refinedRead Full Article

And speaking of Patient Support Programs...

The Patient Support Programs (PSPs) developed by the pharmaceutical industries are often controversial as to the real benefit they provide, how much they contribute to patient loyalty and the risks they bring to the companies implementing them.

And speaking of Patient Support Programs...Read Full Article

Self-regulation in the health care area: Europe's positive example

One of the great frustrations of those who work in companies where there is a solid compliance culture is dealing with the limits imposed by their internal policies and procedures, as compared to competition that, sometimes, uses dubious and loose processes, which lead to numerous conflicts of interest, but which can translate into increased sales.

Self-regulation in the health care area: Europe's positive exampleRead Full Article