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Marca Charlie Brown Jr.: ex-integrantes da antiga banda são autorizados pela justiça a utilizar a expressão registrada em suas apresentações artísticas

November 6, 2024


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No último mês, o Tribunal de Justiça do Estado de São Paulo decidiu a favor dos ex-integrantes da banda Charlie Brown Jr., Thiago Castanho e Marco Britto, para permitir que continuem utilizando o nome da banda em suas apresentações.


Caso “Starbucks” x “Starbuds” e o zelo pelos ativos de Propriedade Intelectual

October 3, 2024


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Em 28 de junho de 2024, a Starbucks Corporation, empresa voltada para o setor alimentício e especialmente para o mercado de produtos à base de café, após tentativas frustradas de solução extrajudicial, ajuizou uma ação perante o Tribunal Distrital dos EUA para o Distrito Sul de Nova York em face de Brandpat, LLC, empresa que atua no mercado como Starbuds Flowers e é voltada para o mercado de produtos de cannabis. A questão central do caso envolve a violação dos direitos marcários e autorais1, 2, 3 e 4 da Starbucks Corporation, assim como de seus sinais distintivos, dentre os quais destacam-se os seguintes, que são protegidos nos Estados Unidos por meio de direitos autorais e marcários.


Caso D’LINEA e DELINIA: Leroy Merlin Teve Seu Registro de Marca Declarado Nulo por Imitação de Marca de Empresa Gaúcha

September 20, 2024


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Em discussão acerca da validade do registro da marca DELINIA, a 3ª Turma do STJ confirmou a sentença de primeiro grau e concluiu pela nulidade do registro, cuja titularidade era da empresa Groupe Adeo e que assinalava a linha de móveis planejados das lojas Leroy Merlin. A ministra relatora Nancy Andrighi destacou em seu voto que a marca DELINIA, registrada em 2010 e utilizada pela Leroy Merlin, guarda um grau de semelhança gráfica e fonética alto com a marca anterior D’LINEA, de titularidade da empresa gaúcha D'LINEA INDUSTRIA E COMERCIO DE MOVEIS LTDA.


Caso “Dungeons and Dragons” x “Dungeons and Drag Queens” e a Paródia em Matéria Marcária

September 9, 2024


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Em um interessante caso que está em andamento perante o Escritório de Marcas dos Estados Unidos (USPTO, na sigla em inglês), a Wizards of the Coast LLC, titular dos direitos marcários vinculados ao conhecido RPG (Role Playing Game) chamado “Dungeons and Dragons”, ofereceu oposição a pedido de registro da marca “Dungeons and Drag Queens” em 9 de agosto de 2024. A empresa alega que há possibilidade de confusão, erro ou engano junto aos consumidores, bem como de diluição da marca “Dungeons and Dragons”  e  . Importante ressaltar que a marca “Dungeons and Drag Queens” é utilizada para identificar um show em que drag queens jogam justamente o jogo “Dungeons and Dragons” , o que torna o caso interessante para discutir a paródia em questões marcárias.


O caso Via S/A e Magazine Luiza: uso de marcas em links patrocinados

September 5, 2024


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A VIA S/A, responsável pelas redes Casas Bahia e Ponto Frio, propôs uma ação judicial contra a MAGAZINE LUIZA S/A, visando a abstenção do uso de suas marcas registradas “CASAS BAHIA" e "PONTO FRIO” em links patrocinados da ferramenta GOOGLE ADS e a indenização por danos materiais e morais.


O caso Língua de Gato: expressão marcária ou sinônimo de produto?

August 19, 2024


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Nas últimas semanas, a notícia acerca da perda da exclusividade da marca Língua de Gato ocasionou um grande burburinho e muitas dúvidas sobre o assunto aos amantes do chocolate. Afinal, será que a Kopenhagen perdeu os seus direitos sobre a marca “Língua de gato”?


Caso “Big Mac” x “Supermac’s” e o Risco de Caducidade para Titulares de Registros de Marcas

August 12, 2024


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Em um caso envolvendo a disputa entre as marcas “Big Mac” e “Supermac’s” na União Europeia, a empresa irlandesa Supermac’s (Holdings) Ltd. requereu em 2017 a caducidade do registro n° 626381, para a marca “Big Mac”, de titularidade de McDonald’s International Property Co. Ltd, com base na falta de uso da marca.


Direitos Autorais – Caso Nizan Guanaes Vs Stalo Produções Artísticas e Universal Music e a decisão do STJ em favor das produtoras

July 9, 2024


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Em decisão proferida em 27/05/2024, a 4ª turma do STJ manteve a decisão do TJ/RJ que reconheceu a validade do contrato de cessão de direitos autorais firmado entre o compositor Nizan Guanaes (cedente) e a Stalo Produções Artísticas (cessionária). O caso envolve os direitos da música “We Are the World of Carnaval”, que foram posteriormente cedidos pela Stalo Produções à Universal Music.


Repressão às Falsificações: A proteção da propriedade intelectual na Indústria do Futebol e lições da EURO2024

June 26, 2024


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Com o início da EUROCOPA 2024, assim como acontece nos demais eventos de grande escala, é notável o aumento da movimentação econômica com o evento em si e demais atividades relacionadas, tais como o comércio de produtos. Da mesma forma, é necessário aumentar a atenção quanto às questões que envolvem a proteção e violação de direitos de propriedade intelectual.


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O Blog de Contratos do Licks Attorneys fornece atualizações regulares e esclarecedoras sobre Gestão de Contratos. As postagens são de autoria dos membros da Equipe de Gestão de Contratos. O Licks Attorneys é um escritório de advocacia brasileiro renomado, especializado em Propriedade Intelectual e reconhecido por seu sucesso em lidar com grandes e estratégicos cases no país.



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Licks Attorneys' COMPLIANCE Blog

SASE and what it can do for information security!

To talk about information security or cybersecurity is definitely not the easiest of tasks, as developments in this area seem to be happening at a speed that is difficult to keep up with. The cat-and-mouse race between hackers and information security experts is incessant and at a breathtaking pace. Something that appears to be novel today may already be outdated, because in another corner of the world a more efficient solution may have already been discovered or a flaw in the current solution may have been identified that makes it vulnerable.

SASE and what it can do for information security!Read Full Article

All there is to know about the Brazilian Freedom of Information ACT

To ensure greater transparency on public accounts and public services in general, especially after initiatives such as the Transparency Portal, Law 12,527 of November 18, 2011, the Brazilian Freedom of Information Act, was sanctioned. This Act aims to provide access to even the greater public to information regarding Public Administration, regulating Article 5, Item XXXIII, Article 37, Paragraph  3, II and Article 216, Paragraph 2, from Brazilian Constitution of 1988.

All there is to know about the Brazilian Freedom of Information ACTRead Full Article

Registration on the tranparency portal in Brazil

The Transparency Portal, at federal level, was developed by the Ministry of Transparency and the Brazilian Office of the Comptroller General during the first term of President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, in November 2004, with the initial purpose of giving visibility to financial aspects related to all federal government programs and actions.

Registration on the tranparency portal in BrazilRead Full Article

Technology as an ally to transparency and fighting corruption

In the field of fighting corruption, specialists are unanimous in recognizing the value of information and communication technologies (ICTs) as a powerful tool to promote transparency and eradicate corruption globally.

Technology as an ally to transparency and fighting corruptionRead Full Article

Understanding why VPNs may be replaced by ZTNA

Amid hackers, crackers and several other cyber threats such as viruses, malware, ransomware, phishing, and the like, VPNs (Virtual Private Networks) have been the sweethearts of the information technology departments for large, medium and small companies. They enable secure remote access for users, protecting their browsing data, especially from identification of their IP address (identification number of a device connected to the Internet), through encryption.

Understanding why VPNs may be replaced by ZTNARead Full Article

Improvements in compliance programs according to the OECD

Founded in 1961 and headquartered in Paris, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) economic organization composed of 38 member countries. Its goal is to stimulate global economic progress and facilitate world trade.

Improvements in compliance programs according to the OECDRead Full Article

Only the US and Switzerland effectively enforce their Anti-Corruption Laws Abroad

Several countries have anti-corruption legislation, but few extend this legislation to fight corruption alongside foreign authorities outside their territory. Brazil, incidentally, is in the second group of countries having such norms in its set of laws.

Only the US and Switzerland effectively enforce their Anti-Corruption Laws AbroadRead Full Article

Israel Approves Limitation of Supreme Court Powers Amid Huge Controversy

Various news networks around the world, such as CNN and The Wall Street Journal have reported the controversial decision taken by the Israeli parliament – the Knesset, which imposes a limitation on the Israeli Supreme Court. This decision was very controversial, with some seeing it as an attack to democracy, and others as a defense.

Israel Approves Limitation of Supreme Court Powers Amid Huge ControversyRead Full Article

Brazilian data protection authority applies first penalty for violation of data protection act

Despite the General Data Protection Act (LGPD) having entered into force in 2020 and its penalties in 2021, only on July 6, 2023 did the Brazilian Data Protection Authority (ANPD) publish in the Federal register of the current month, the first sanction applied to a company for violating the LGPD.

Brazilian data protection authority applies first penalty for violation of data protection actRead Full Article

How data classification (or lack of it) affects your business

One of the most significant concerns in today's corporate environments is the risk of confidential information being leaked or shared without authorization. This exfiltration of confidential information is known to occur not only through unauthorized access by an external agent, but also through the actions of a malicious internal collaborator.

How data classification (or lack of it) affects your businessRead Full Article

Discussing the conflict of interest in the federal government

Today, after reading an article authored by the renowned legal scholar Wálter Maierovitch, I was taken aback by the way some authorities handle conflicts of interest.

Discussing the conflict of interest in the federal governmentRead Full Article

Dealing with ethical dilemmas in business

Ethics is a word derived from the Greek vernacular “ethos", which, in turn, means "way of life". Philosophically, ethics focuses on the behavior of a human being within a social environment.

Dealing with ethical dilemmas in businessRead Full Article

Highest award ever paid by the US Securities and Exchange Commission to a whistleblower

The United States Securities and Exchange Commission announced the payment of the highest award ever paid to a whistleblower since the awards were instituted by the Dodd-Frank Act, sanctioned in 2010.

Highest award ever paid by the US Securities and Exchange Commission to a whistleblowerRead Full Article

The controversy on data sharing between Europe and the USA

Ireland’s Data Protection Commission (DPC) has published a press release on May 22, announcing that the inquiry into Meta Ireland, the Dublin-based company that manages Facebook not only in Ireland but throughout Europe, has been concluded.

The controversy on data sharing between Europe and the USARead Full Article

The German supply chain due diligence act (LKSG)

In the previous article, the “United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights”, created in 2011 and which still influences several laws in many countries, was highlighted.

The German supply chain due diligence act (LKSG)Read Full Article