O jornal “Valor Econômico” publicou nesta terça-feira (13/12) a reportagem “Ericsson vence disputa contra a Apple no STJ, diz jornal”, que trata da decisão unânime da Quarta Turma do Superior Tribunal de Justiça em prol da empresa de inovação sueca, representada por nossos sócios Carlos Aboim e Rodolfo Barreto. Foi a primeira vez que o STJ decidiu sobre a violação de patentes essenciais a padrões da indústria das telecomunicações, reestabelecendo em parte os efeitos de uma tutela de urgência deferida pelo TJRJ. A reportagem do “Valor” faz referência a texto do jornal “O Globo” sobre o caso (“Na disputa por patentes do 5G, Ericsson obtém vitória contra Apple no STJ”, publicado em 9/12).
Saiba mais em: https://lnkd.in/du6qEC9U e: https://lnkd.in/dPDbpVjC
Brazilian newspaper “Valor Econômico” published this Tuesday (December 13) the article “Ericsson wins dispute against Apple in the Brazilian Superior Court of Justice according to newspaper”, which discusses the unanimous decision rendered by the Fourth Panel of the Brazilian Superior Court of Justice (STJ) in favor of the Swedish innovation company, represented by our partners Carlos Aboim and Rodolfo Barreto. It was the first time that the STJ decided on the violation of standard essential patents in the telecommunications industry, partially reestablishing the effects of a preliminary injunction granted by the Rio de Janeiro State Court (TJRJ). The report in “Valor Econômico” refers to an article about the case that was featured in the newspaper “O Globo” (“In the dispute for 5G patents, Ericsson wins against Apple in the Brazilian Superior Court of Justice”, published on December 9). Read more at: https://lnkd.in/du6qEC9U and: https://lnkd.in/dPDbpVjC
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