A reportagem sobre o julgamento da ADI 5529 pelo STF, exibida na terça-feira pela CNN Brasil, ganhou uma versão escrita no site da emissora (“STF decidirá sobre mudanças na lei de patentes; empresários temem prejuízos”). Nosso sócio Otto Licks foi ouvido para a reportagem, que pode ser lida em: https://bit.ly/3fQJdya
On Tuesday, we published on our social media pages the live report carried by CNN Brasil on their ‘Prime Time’ program. The topic was the hearing by the STF of ADI 5529, assessing the constitutionality of Article 40 of the Brazilian Patent Statute and the possible impacts on the Brazilian economy if its operation is suspended. Read the article “STF will decide on changes in patent law; businessmen fear losses” based on this coverage at https://bit.ly/3fQJdya
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